Evans Georgia Home Renovation | Fireplace Remodel | Augusta Georgia Wedding Photographer
If you have been following since February, you’ve probably seen a post or two of our home renovation! We just completed the biggest indoor project, the kitchen. So in comparison, that made the fireplace seem a lot easier and much quicker! We used Halls Flooring again, they have done such a great job! We picked out our tile from Home Depot. At first it does look like a chevron pattern, but I *think* I would categorize it as a herringbone since it has broken “v’s” that don’t exactly line up! That’s one of the things I loved about it, and that if you look closely, once the grout is on there it shows tiny differences in the white. We also decided to go with something slightly different than the honeycomb & subway in the kitchen, but since it’s open concept they still compliment each other really well. We cleaned off the original logs, painted the inside, and threw away the lava rocks. We replaced them with a fireplace glass option and the iron holder for the logs we painted a brushed gold. I hope y’all enjoy, and if you missed it, here is our living room tour/reno too!
photo above from realtor.com
photo above from realtor.com